Safety of Children

The careful supervision of children is of the greatest importance. The teachers of the Center will ensure that the children are supervised at all times in accordance with the rules of child care center licensing for the state of Ohio. There is a Medical, Dental and Emergency Plan along with an emergency fire and weather plan and building layout posted in each room. Staff is responsible for knowing all procedures and evacuation routes. Monthly fire drills, tornado drills and lock drills are conducted.

If a loss of heat, water or power occurs, parents/guardians or emergency contacts will be called for immediate pick-up. In cases of threats of violence or natural disasters, an immediate gathering of the children, exiting onto playgrounds, gathering in the side parking lot and walking to the Miami Township Fire and Rescue building – 225 Corry Street – will take place. Parents/guardians or emergency contacts will be contacted from the township building. Office personnel will call 911 before departure from the Center. A record of the children’s’ contact numbers will be kept at the township building.

In the event of serious incident, injury or illness. The emergency squad is immediately called. An Incident Report will be completed by a witnessing teacher, signed by an administrator and a parent/guardian. The report will be filed in the child’s file and a copy provided for the parent/guardian if so desired.

In addition to this, the child’s file is also checked for allergies and other serious health conditions. Parents/guardians, or if necessary, emergency contacts are notified next. Arrangements are made enabling the child’s teacher to remain with the child. Strive to maintain a calm atmosphere. The administrative staff will provide the necessary assistance.

No aerosol spray cans will be used during the hours children occupy the Center.

Only children who have completed kindergarten, first, second or third grade participate in trips to the community pool. When school-aged children leave the grounds to go swimming, parents/guardians are notified ahead of time and required to give written permission for participation. The children only swim where trained lifeguards are on duty and Community Children’s Center staff continues to closely monitor and supervise the children. The teacher/child ratio approximates 1:6 during swimming afternoons at the community pool. A staff member certified in first aid always accompanies a group of children off site.

Health regulations aimed at controlling communicable disease require that we not wash cloth diapers at the Center. We are required to put the soiled diaper directly into a sealable plastic bag (zip lock) for parents to take home and clean. Each diaper needs a separate zip lock bag, and parents must send an adequate supply of bags along with the diapers. (This only pertains to cloth diapers.)